New Members & Discord link

Interested in helping The Gears turn?

Hop in the discord and say Hi!

Out of the gate, you'll have access to the unsecured channels. Once we confirm you're an active Warden, we'll get you access so that you can see warden channels.

the discord is linked below.

Let us know you're interested in joining

Read our code of conduct below, and make sure you can commit to acting accordingly.

If so, one of our officers will meet up with you in game for a chat and a quick vibe check.


Get in the regiment, and into our squads

We maintain different squads for different purposes, but at a minimum we keep a 117th Logi and a 117th Combat squad, all members are expected to be in both of those(even if they choose to keep some other squad as their active one)

We also have a choose your own role channel in discord, so you can pick roles to be alerted for activities and conversations that are most relevant to you.

117th Code of Conduct

There's two sets of rules. A general set of codes that should apply broadly, in discord(ours and allies, and even opponent's), in games other than foxhole, and in any place you represent the regiment.

The second set of codes is game-specific, on how you conduct yourself as it applies to the mechanics of foxhole.

General Code of Conduct. In and out of game.

0th Rule

Have fun. We're playing games. Sometimes they're frustrating. Sometimes they take a lot of energy. Usually this is still fun, overcoming the frustration, or seeing the payoff of all of that energy. 

Sometimes they're too frustrating or take too much energy. If you find yourself not having fun, stop. You don't HAVE to feed those shirts and mammons to the front, you don't HAVE to keep making and supplying msups to that base. Tell someone, and/or ask for help we'll figure it out. We can help navigate frustration or shift some of that workload.

Maybe that bunker or facility isn't actually THAT important, maybe an ally would be thrilled to take it over. Maybe it’s time to fight on a different front, or just take a break and play something else for the day(or a couple of days, who knows).

Be Kind

This should be self explanatory, but try to be kind to others you interact with; if someone's having trouble or doing something the hard way, try and show them a better way. If they don't want to learn, then drop it and move on. If someone is doing a big, labor intensive job(like digging a trench), if you have time and nothing more pressing to do, help out.(see the golden and platinum rules at the end).

Be Professional

You can't always be kind, but you can always be professional. If someone is being (as you see it) an irritation, a hindrance, or otherwise approaching conflict, ignore them and move on. You can chat mute and voice mute someone who's trying to keep a conflict going. Getting into a tit-for-tat with someone is wasting everyone's time and maybe setting up future difficulties for yourself or the regiment. If someone is in your way, they won't get out of your way and you could do something else right then, do that and come back to the obstructed activity later. We are no one's bosses, and public stuff is public(even when the person monopolizing the refinery crane is a moron who's taking 10 times longer to use it than is needed)

Platinum and Golden Rules

Most people have heard of the golden rule. It's good, but it's kind of incomplete, and really better as a fall-back when you can't apply the platinum rule. For anyone who isn't familiar, the golden rule is to treat others as you would like to be treated. The platinum rule is to treat others as they would like to be treated. They're really really similar, but at the same time loads different. Something good to think on if you like thinking on things In any case where it's applicable, try and apply the platinum rule. When you don't know how they would like to be treated, treat them as you would like to be treated.

Code of Conduct Specific to the Game

World Chat

Unless it's game related and region is not applicable, try and stay out of world chat. Sometimes you gotta, sometimes there's fun stuff happening there, but like, don't go in there saying things that are likely to make yourself(and by extension the regiment) look bad or alienate our potential colleagues.

Leave No Trace (Or, Put away your toys)

if you're using a crane, truck, radio, shovel, whatever it is, put it back when you're done if you can. Sometimes there's a reason to leave something out, sometimes you just don't have time, but when you can, do what you can.

Be respectful of Facilities and bases -

if you uses someone's facility or base, leave it as you found it. Put back trains, cranes, containers, etc. Don't just ransack a facility or base for resources, if you're going to make something or take something from a facility, try and give back. For instance if you take concrete from a public coal base, mine up some coal and toss it in the relevant facility. If you're taking msups from a facility, harvest and drop off a load of scrap for them.

Collective effort and Individual effort -

Everything is easier with more hands helping, and we all strive to help each other reach our goals.

That said, we should all be thoughtful about what we ask of one another. Something like building a facility, or a bunker base is a huge task for an individual, but a great goal for the Regiment, however something like a facility or a base requires upkeep. It needs to be supplied, checked on, repaired, and otherwise tended to.

If a base is all your idea, then it is assumed that you're taking on individual responsibility for all of that day to day upkeep. Getting help with the initial large effort is a-okay. Asking for help all the time with day to day operation for something that's your baby and not an asset of the regiment at large isn't.